How Did the Hunchback Get His Name?

France has just celebrated the reopening of its iconic cathedral, Notre Dame, with a ceremony that brought together leaders from around the world. The cathedral dates back to the 12th century, but did you know that 200 years ago Victor Hugo helped save it?

Notre Dame was so badly damaged during the 1830 revolution that some thought it should be demolished. Then a year later, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame was published, a novel that championed the Gothic architecture of Notre Dame. It sparked  a national movement to restore the cathedral  to its former glory.

The novel’s central character is the hunchback, one of the most famous characters in French literature. He is known for his terrible deformities, his love for Esmerelda, and his unusual name. But where did “Quasimodo” come from? 

Find out in Bonjour Paris!

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