Reflections on the Revolution in France

The gilets jaunes (yellow vest) movement exploded across France last November.

Thousands of people gathered each week to block traffic and protest against the government. Driven by social media and seemingly leaderless, this protest was unlike any in living memory. And it definitely took the government by surprise.

I wondered what French people thought about this whole gilets jaunes business, so I asked some. Their answers might surprise you.

Read all about it at My French Life!

What Do the French Think of the Gilets Jaunes These Days?

Since November, thousands of people known as gilets jaunes (yellow vests) have blocked roads and marched through cities to demonstrate against the French government. What began as a protest against a gas tax quickly metastasized into a general protest against rising inequality, lack of economic opportunity, the elitism of the French ruling class, and more.

After months of sometimes-violent protests, what do the French people think of the gilets jaunes these days? The answer might surprise you. Read all about it at Frenchly!